
November 2, 2013

We'll let little Zkhat greet you this morning as we carry on with our November musings. 

I have worked all of my life, since I was 17 years old and mostly it was just fine but early on I learned to love, love the weekends.  Two whole days that were all mine.  Even after Mike came along there was still a feeling of vacation for me even though the days were filled with busy work of all kinds. 

Now I have been retired for almost 20 years and I still find myself loving weekends, mornings of sleeping in, long book reads, special things to knit, to sew, friends to drop in and spend time with, cooking something new, being on vacation!

I wish you all a happy weekend, whether you fill it with special things or the ordinary.  Frankie Furter has reminded me to Fall Back and hour tonight so, here is a little present of an extra hour for you.  Who wouldn't be grateful for that!

Cheers and hugs,

Jo, Stella and Zkhat


  1. Have a super Saturday and have an extra long snuggle up tomorrow.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. How's the weather up there? It was 80* here yesterday. Had to put on a pair of shorts. :)

  3. i am indeed grateful for that - even if it will mess with my head for a while, getting darker earlier. :)

  4. Oh yes, I love weekends, when Gail can give me her FULL attention.
    But gosh you are late with your hour change. In Scotland we Autumned Back a week ago. (OK, that doesn't really work does it!)
    Toodle pip!

  5. We are back to wintertime since last week. As you, I love the weekends. This one is superlong. With the help of a public holiday and two days off from work I have five days for reading, knitting, meeting friends..... love it.
    Liebe Grüße,

  6. Yes, this weekend is an hour longer than usual! Weekends are wonderful. Enjoy yours!

  7. And it is a special weekend for us too - we are all finally back home. Mom says she is pretty sure we can stay for good now even if there are still a few more items on the renovation list to be done.

    Lovely post, Jo. Enjoy the weekend.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  8. That hour makes a big difference, we had ours last week, Nights are dark earlier, hum, very Wintery, Enjoy your extra hour. :-) x x x

  9. hello zkhat its dennis the vizsla dog hay yes i luv weekends too!!! on akkownt of it meens mama duz not go to wurk and i can follow her arownd the howse all day begging to wurk and having her tel me how byootiful i am it is a gud time for evrywun i think!!! ok bye

  10. You are so right about these weekends--I just wish they lasted longer than 2 days! I do hope you're enjoying your day, it's really nice here, and feels like November! :-)
