
So, do you think its the right time for Stella and I to do a come-back?

Stella wants you to see this poster.  Its from Pinterest and we hope they don't mind we borrow it.

Well, it appears we can't find it and does that frost Stella?  You bet!  We will keep at it and see if we can get it.

We have been away for a long time.  One of us, (Jo)has not been well and therefore not very interested in writing. She has had two visits to our local hospital, but now is doing much better and is determined to stay well.

Stella is tired of her whining and wants to get out for some good walks.  Jo is considering this, but it must be well above zero when this happens and so far its wicked cold.  Like 20 below some nights.

Zkhat finds us both tiresome and except for bedtime when she snuggles with us, she totally ignores us.  From a khat, we will take what we can get.

Hoping everyone is fine and we are mostly forgiven for deserting our blog.

Jo, Stella and Zkhat


  1. Totally forgiven, but that said, you have no idea how thrilled Bertie and I were so see this post. We do think, Stella, that you might cut your mom some slack on the walks thing when it is 20 below. She has been poorly after all, and recovering is harder when one is no longer a young pup.
    All the best Jo.
    Cheers, Gail (and Bertie).

  2. No worries we see you when we see you. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. so good to hear from you, but sad jo has been sick! hoping all will be well, and the weather will warm a bit, too. looking forward to seeing you 3 minnesota girls more often!

  4. Hi Zkhat! Sorry your Jo hasn't been feeling well. It's good that you're giving her snuggles at bedtime. Cat snuggles are a good remedy for just about anything. Hopefully things will warm up soon so Stella will quit whining. We're going to do our best to Hoodie-Hoo winter away in Thorntown today! (Since it will only be 12 degrees at noon, it will probably be a brief effort.)

  5. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Welcome back to us.... We have missed you SO much. We hope that you can be with us OFTEN...

  6. Hi Jo, Stella and Zkhat!! We've missed you all very much. I'm so glad you're feeling better, Jo. Even I wouldn't want to go outside in that kind of cold. Please stay healthy and come visit us sometimes!!

    Your nephew and godson,


  7. So good to hear from you here on the blog!!! We are all hoping that Mom is totally on the road to recovery. We think the temps need to be way way way above zero before she ventures out to walk. Take good care of her and do keep us updated.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

  8. We wondered where you were. We thought maybe you were hibernating because we know it stays cold up there till July. You have been much in our thoughts but Mom has been too lazy to write out a letter. We're very glad you're back.

  9. So glad you took the time to chat with us and give us an update. We've all been missing you. Take care, stay warm and inside until spring and warmer weather makes an appearance. Hopefully it won't be too much longer. My bluebonnets have poked their heads above ground so that means spring is coming.

  10. We sure do hope that you make a comeback! I was happy to see a post from you today. I'm so glad that you're feeling better. I hope that it warms up enough for a walk soon!

  11. Of course it the right time and we forgive you right away! We missed you, even though we did 'see you around'.
    Stella, How can you even want to go outside when it that cold? I doesn't even want to go out in the rain!
    Glad to hear you is feeling better Jo, keep it up!
    ~Lickies, Ludo!

  12. hello stella its dennis the vizsla dog hay it is gud to heer frum yoo!!! we ar sorry to heer that yore mama has not ben feeling wel trixie and i send menny tail wags her way!!! i woodnt be upset that zkhat finds yoo all tiresum and ignores yoo that is pritty mutch her job deskripshun as a kitty!!! hope to see yoo agin soon!!! ok bye

  13. There is nothing whatsoever to "forgive." It's great to see a post from you--I hope all is well and you're continuing to feel better Jo, you've all been missed! Take care!!

  14. Howdy Stella Up Over. So good to hear from you. Sorry your mum hasn't been well and we'll keep paws crossed she improves every day. While you have been having snow and stuffs, over here in Oz we've been having stinking hot and bushfires. Wish we could meet in the middle, that would be nice. Take care mates. See ya soon. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  15. I thought maybe you got frozen up there! :)
