
A Long Absence of Writing, but not Reading

Hello Everybuddy:

My Mom tells me that she is having the wurst time with trying to get a post done and its either our old Dell or Google.  Last night she spent a good amount of time putting together a post and then it would not publish.  We have a new computer that is going to start work here in another week or so, and we hope that solves our problem.  We hope ANYTHING would solve our problem!

My Mom got me a new dish so I don't gobble too much and it takes me a little longer to eat.  Then she got Zkhat a new eating station where it goes far away from where I eat and I can't get at her foods anymore which is too bad for me but good for Zkhat I guess.

My new dish
Zkhats new outfit which is way nicer than mine. A whole bag of cat food fits in the
bottom which I can't open due to the thumbs thing.  My Mom is starting to cuss again so I guess we will be going.  All the best from Stella, Zkhat and Jo and not from Dell or Google.


  1. are you using google chrome? if you are using internet explorer or firefox, that may be what is causing the trouble with blogger. google wants folks to use their products, so when they make upgrades to blogger, seems it doesn't play well with competitors' stuff any more. if you haven't downloaded google chrome, i'd suggest you try it, for sure. if you are using chrome and still having trouble, i sure hope the new computer will help!

  2. Your mom cusses? I am shocked and dismayed! :) I'm so sorry that you are having the 'puter frustrations. I hope the new puter fixes them all!

    Your new feeding stations look good! I'm looking forward to hearing if that bowl really slows you down!

  3. Hi Stella, Jo and Zkhat!! I used to have a bowl like Stella's when I first came here, cuz I was literally starving, but now I have a regular bowl like Bart's and Ruby's. Our mom and our dad both curse at their computer's regularly. I hope you're up and running soon!



  4. Computer problems are so frustrating! Good luck!

  5. Horrid Dell. Horrid Google.
    Are you minding the new 'eat slowly' dish Stella? No danger of one of those here as I am quite a dainty eater.
    Toodle pip!

  6. Yuck to computer gremlins but blogger has been playing up. Yikes you too have one of those torture bowls. I hate mine as she put treats in there to make me work for them. Have a serene Sunday and enjoy some big easy today.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. I used to have nothing but Dell computers - too many problems with getting viruses on a windows machine. Now for several years I've owned only iMacs. Best thing I ever did. They don't get viruses, and they're a GREAT machine.

  8. Wow, you guys are still getting presents? I thought Christmas was over.

    I ditto Tex's remarks about Google Chrome. I only run Internet Explorer now for my email because my email account for some reason doesn't like Google Chrome! Good luck!

  9. As wild as Emma is, she has never been a food gobbler. It's the only thing she takes her time with. ;)

  10. It MIGHT be Blogger that is giving you troubles... Lots of us are not having our posts pop up in the Blogger Dash Board like they are supposed to... AND fur SURE try CHROME if you have not already... IE and FireFox(MOZILLA) are not working well at all with Blogger.
    Glad to hear from you though... even the HBO words.

  11. We've just been having internet problems this past week, I'm hopeful that the blogger issues, which I know others are having isn't contagious! :-)

    I love the new food dishes, makes the food taste better! :-)!!

    Take care, okay?

  12. hello evrybuddy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am sorry to heer abowt yore trubbles with posting i bet the polar vortex is to blaym sumhow!!! i hope yore noo kompyooter helps!!! hay stella that is a fansy and komplikayted bowl it luks like wun of those puzzel bokses!!! ok bye

  13. Oh, I just cover my ears and grab a chewie when Ma starts usin' the HBO and SHOWTIME words!!! The puter is the worst! I sure hopes you gets it fixed soon!!!
    I loves your bowls!!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Nice to hear about your new computer. Let things get good on using them. Your dish looks good...

  15. Stuff to do with food be the best type of presents! Too bad you casnot get to Zkhat's food though, I like kitty food a lot!
    ~lickies, Ludo

  16. Stella, YoYoMa has a bowl just like that and Puff does too but in red. It has slowed their eating down by at least 14 nanoseconds! To be fair, Puff IS on steroids, but still...Zkhat's fancy bowl doens't look like it holds very much so I don't think you are missing much. And as for Bella, she has Diva possibilities but she'll never be the Uber Mega Diva I am!

  17. Reading this :-) phew, not just me then :-)
    Hey guys, push stuff ..... just sayin :-)
    :-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    So good to know your keyboard made it over the big pond to us tonight xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  18. We have a blue dish exactly like yours. Mom got it for Sky because he ate so fast that he got sick and threw up after every meal. It slowed him down so he stopped being sick. After Sky left us Mom put his bowl away, but now Mackey uses it because for a little doggy she sure eats fast. Hope yours is helping.

  19. Here's hoping that you mom get the techie glitches fixed. It is SO annoying.....

  20. there have been big issues since W8 updates, and also I.E. to version 11 update. Blogger became incompatible to their changes. Read Blogger Help/Something is Broken forums. Maybe, sometimes, changing your browser to Chrome will help with doing your blog posts/tell Mum!!

  21. Hi Jo,
    hope Stella and Zkhat got used to the new bowls and hope your pc problems are solved. My Blogger doesn´t like Internet Explorer, Chrome doesn´t like some Add Ons on my Blog.... sometimes I just shut down and grab a good old book. Better for a grandmas nerves :-)

  22. Hi Stella! I hobes yeur new compy solves yeur broblems! I miss yeu SO much! I amb a berry bad friend for not making it around teu deu my visits, but I amb all ways finking ob YEU. Bad the Mom. I need to ride tighter herd ober her!

    wif much lubbs from Little Reufus

  23. Hi Stella, I'm Troubirders new friend. My people couldn't take care of me anymore cause their bad sick so here I am. I like it here cause he and Mrs. T let me come in the house. I couldn't do that on the farm! See ya!
    Lily the GSD

  24. Yes, Jo, you WERE instrumental in renaming Yo-Yo something with a bit more dignity and potential than a kid's bobbing toy on a string. YoYoMA gives him so much to live up to, to strive for, such inspiration to add something amazing to the world. You should be proud of this boy you helped to create...a name is the first self magic we know.

  25. Thank you for sending your condolences on the passing of my friend Bear-Bear. I wish so much that he could have stayed but thoughts such as yours help ease the hurt.
