
My Best Friend is sick!

Hi Pups and Kitties!

If you read my blog, you will know that Tsar of the Porties is my BFF, thats Best Friend Forever you know, and I am sad because he is  very sick with a brain syndrome.  The vet and his Mom, Sue have not been able to figure it all out yet and tomorrow he may get to start medicine, Prednisone, for it.  I hope and pray this works for Tsar.  He is so good to me and so handsome, he sings like an angel.
Please put the Power of the Paw to work for Tsar, my family and I will do many Prayers for his recovery . . .won't you join us??

Thank you,




  1. We visited Tsar the other day. We all have our paws crossed that he feels better real soon.

  2. Our paws have been crossed and will continue to be...

    -Bart and Ruby

  3. Oh Stella, we know how worried you are about your friend and we are, too. He's very sick and Mom is upset because she feels so helpless. We're all wishing tomorrow would get here fast so we can try to help him feel better. We'll let you know if the medicine helps. Keep you paws crossed for him.
    Morgan and the Porties

  4. Stella I have my paws soooooo Crossed fur your furend TSAR. I pray that all will be taken care of with the meds..

  5. Stella and Jo, we too are very worried about Tsar AND his sweet Mom too. We wish we could push the clock ahead to Saturday right now. We are all so hoping the prednisone will work for him.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. Hi Stella Up Over, we went to visit Tsar and sent him hugs and healing slobber. We hope they can find out what is wrong. Hope you are ok too. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory. P.S. We aren't getting your posts on our blog. Don't know what's going with silly blogger. We will try and delete being a follower and adding again and see how that goes. Have a great weekend x x

  7. I'm purring for your BFF, Stella! I hope he gets better soon.

  8. I have been so worried about Tsar! My paws are crossed so tight for him - I hope the prednisone works for him.

    Your pal, Pip

  9. I will..I promise. I know the power of prayer. xox

  10. We are sorry to hear Tsar is sick. We are purring for him.

  11. We're joining in sending lots of love and healing vibes to poor Tsar.
    Bertie and Gail.

  12. hello stella its dennis the vizsla dog hay we wil send tsar lots of tail wags!!! and the mowse wil send skweeks!!! ok bye
